Saturday, April 07, 2012

War - Inside & Outside

For some people(including me) there is always a war inside their head. It is a deadly battlefield of arguments & counter-arguments. Logic & reasoning constantly fighting with belief systems. May be that's why outside their head and around them they want to see peace, serenity and beauty.

But, I can see how it could be reversed for some people, where inside their head there is no battle. They feel that it does not matter what they think it's all pre-determined by 'someone' and we are mere actors in a play where we do things that has been written for us. There is no point thinking too much and losing sleep over it. Their mind is peaceful and serene, just like the way I want my outside world. However, for these people they would like to see the battlefield and war outside for a constant need of adrenaline high! Exactly the opposite of what I would like to see. Aggression comes from a perceived sense of insecurity or superiority.
It may be a bit far-fetched, but, if every one stopped believing in God, perhaps there will not be any need to fight or war!!

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