Friday, April 20, 2012

Some One-liners

  • Finding patterns in things is creativity, but, finding patterns in everything is madness
  • Memory and imagination are only separated by experience
  • The best form of communication is where no message is exchanged but both the intended sender and receiver understood the content
  • One always has two options, be part of the signal or be part of the noise
  • If marriage & sex were taken out of the equation, love would be a truly beautiful thing
  • Strength: The ability to restrain oneself by virtue of knowing that one is powerful
  • Intelligence: Information that has not become public news
  • One's approach & attitude to life depends on whether he/she thinks the best days are ahead or behind
  • There is no Cinderella, only her sisters everywhere
  • There is no prince charming, only the ugly frogs everywhere
  • Ability to communicate well is vital, but, ability to feel connected is visceral
  • Culture & tradition are not a backpack that you will have to carry it around everywhere
  • Conflict arises not because one party is right and the other party is wrong but because both parties are right(from their own perspective)
  • 3 bottlenecks in professional environment - People, Processes and Programs(software)
  • Mediocrity admonishes things(or people) which(who) are both better or worse than them
  • Mediocrity finds comfort only in another mediocre
  • It is better to be stabbed in the heart than in the back
  • Confidence and being opinionated are always misconstrued as being egotistic
  • It is easier to make war than peace because it is easier to break things than to put/keep it together
  • Idea is a half baked cake, only after it is executed to become reality it completes the full cycle
  • When knowledge & confidence is low, but, fear & insecurity is high, it leads to hate & ignorance
  • In a rule/exception paradigm, if there are lots of exception happening that means that either the rules need to be re-written or people are abusing the rules
  • Process, compliance & security - three most commonly overused, abused or misused words to get work done or to create a roadblock
  • Mid life(crisis or not) - Growing old but feeling younger!
  • A true conservative mopes over someone somewhere is having fun and he/she is missing out on it.
  • The force which tries to maintain the status-quo is always stronger than the one which challenges it.
  • When the voice inside is saying something different from the voices outside, it leads to agony.
  • The reason non-verbal communication is more powerful is because we are socially conditioned not to speak our mind that easily.

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