Sunday, March 18, 2012

Some thoughts on aliens, life beyond ours

Given the size of the universe and the high likelihood of life, the chance that a civilization exists at the same level as human is very small. If there are civilizations smarter than human, they will be so advanced that there won't be any chance of stand-off(so, no Star wars type fighting). If they want to, they will easily overpower us, but, they will probably have won over their aggression, so, will try to co-operate with us(like the E.T variety!).

One would wonder if smarter civilizations exist, why don't they visit us or attack us. One can answer this by asking a question. Do we humans care what a mole hill in Madagascar is doing? Do we care to visit them? NO. Because, they are insignificant. Similarly, we could be insignificant too for a very advanced alien civilization.

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