Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thoughts on evolution

It is so surprising to find people who still does not believe in the theory of evolution but instead talk about intelligent design. I think the biggest problem is to perceive the time span of a evolutionary process. Most of our discussions around innovation, creativity, religion, civilization etc etc spans up to may be 10,000 BCE. But, human beings lived even beyond that. Borrowing the following from a website to get a sense of time (

If we were to compress the time since the Big Bang into one year, and make the time of the Big Bang January 1,

  • The Earth was formed in mid-September.
  • The mammals appeared on December 26.
  • All human prehistory (from the first known stone tools) and history have occurred in the last 1/2 hour of New Year's Eve.
Thus, all of human history is but a fleeting instant on the cosmic timescale.

Another commonly argued point is if humans evolved from chimpanzees, we should be able to find somewhere in this world, an animal which is in the middle of evolution from chimpanzee to humans. My argument to that is the following:

Crudely speaking calculators can be considered as a primitive form of computers, right? Scientists over time improved upon and invented ways to build better and powerful computers. At some point in their laboratories, they must have stumbled upon something which is not a calculator but as powerful as today's computer. The point is, when you make something better why would you ever go back which is half of what it is now. So, we still make calculators and modern computers. We dont make primitive computers, right? It is exactly the same for natural selection of evolution. Once, a better species is evolved why would nature support making a primitive form of it, it will be wiped out from the face of earth. Also, the evolution is always on. Like, today's computer will be obsolete tomorrow as we make better computers.

Another example, you are baking cake at home and found an optimal oven temperature which makes the cake best. But, you found this optimal temperature by a series of experimental baking of cakes over time and sometimes the cakes did not come out that good. Once, you have perfected the art of baking cake, why would you ever go back to make a half-baked cake?
Is it not exactly same as that in evolution?

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