Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Random Thoughts - Tail Tale

How did early humans loss tails? Did they lose in one generation or over many? By Darwinian theory, probably there was a time when some primates had tails but others did not. How might have they interacted with each other? Did one tease the other with tail ends?

Random Thoughts - Software as a service vs On-premise

Can software as a service(Saas) & the traditional on-premise software be compared with painting & photography paradigm? Painters still paint and people who can afford still buys painting but for the most of us we take photographs and buy them when we like it(since it is more affordable). Similarly, corportes who can afford will continue investing in the on premise software model but the rest will move on(if not already) to Saas.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Co-exist in multiple space points

Time travel is a dream of science fiction writers. But, to me, more than time travel the ability to co-exist in multiple places at the same time seems more exciting. This yearning is the result of liking too many things. I would like to be at home in a family moment and partying with friends with dance and drinks and read up a novel while enjoying some fresh air at the same time. Now, we do all of these in series, planning and managing our time. We cannot do these activities in parallel, all at the same time.

In fact, quantum particles can do exactly the above(the building blocks of life, animate and in-animate). Feynman sum of history as explained by Stephen Hawking:

With each trajectory Feynman associated two numbers, one for the size – the amplitude – of a wave and one for its phase – whether it is a crest or a through. The probability of a particle going from A to B is found by adding the up the waves associated with every possible path that passes through A and B.

But, at the macroscopic level, like the human existence, only one of the above infinite paths get close to a probability of one causing us to exist at a specific moment(me writing now and not somewhere else doing something else).
So, effectively, in order for us to co-exist in multiple places, no one activity can have a probability of one! So, no one can for sure say that you did a certain activity! May be you were at the club, may be you were not!