The other day I was typing "How to..." in the google page and it showed me the top 10 lists of "how tos" based on the latest stats, I guess. I was a little disappointed to see that "How to tie a tie" made it to the top even though I also don't know how to tie a tie!

It was so surprising to see that activities that should come to us naturally, like how to kiss or how to get pregnant, needs a google search ultimately. Even though I am a big fan of google, but, I do think that the Bing ad brings up a very good point about our mindless search of data!
Stretching my imagination, how stupid it maybe, I came up with the following storyline where the same person does all of the above searches. A little overweight single guy being lonely for a while decides to "lose weight fast". He likes a girl at work, but never talked to her. He wonders how does he "make her like him". Being innovative, he decides to learn "solving rubix cubes" while reading out an article loudly in a record time and uploads a video of that in youtube. He sends that link to the girl and she asks him back "how to dowload the youtube video" as she wants to copy it to her phone and show it to her friend who does not have internet connection(hahaha, possible, right?). Now, they start dating and one evening they plan to go to a fancy dinner and he decides to wear a tie, but not knowing how to tie a tie he resorts to google search. A few weeks pass by and they start liking each other and one night (lets give him a name now, say, Chris) after dinner, randomly searches a few things like how to kiss and how to become pregnant. Chris gets very excited that night by the thought of making her pregnant(lets give her a name too, say, Christina) and could not sleep. After a few months and having spent "quality" time with Christina, Chris decides to make his own website to write journals and publish pictures(lets assume he does not use facebook, blogs and such :))
Now, that he is kind of settled with Christina, Chris needs to find a better job(I dont know what he does now) and searches how to write resumes which catch employer's attention. After a few months, he lands up with a good job and proposes to Christina, which she accepts.
Even though he still sometimes sleeps alone but he is not lonely anymore, he often feels that he is in cloud nine. In one of those nights, when he is in cloud nice, he wonders how do other people make it in america...he gets up to do a google search on the same.
PS: Google did show an ad during superbowl which had some common concepts outlined in the storyline above